Literacy Learning is important at Geelong East Primary School. We make it engaging by incorporating the Book Week Parade, dress ups, Literacy week, and celebration days each term. Our excursions and incursions support our Literacy programs.
At Geelong East Primary School, all students participate in a two hour literacy block which encompasses Reading, Writing, Speaking and Listening, spelling, dictation, punctuation and grammar. The literacy curriculum is supported by Literacy Intervention and Oral Language programs.
Students use a variety of devices including iPads, laptops, Interactive Whiteboards and netbooks, with a one to one device policy to enhance their literacy skills. Students can identify and create their personal literacy goals. Our school library is visited weekly by students, with a wide range of resources for students and teachers.
We also have connections with the local library, kindergartens, high schools and child care centres with regular visits within our community to read. Parent and grandparent helpers are welcomed and encouraged at Geelong East Primary School. Parent support and connections are essential to our students’ learning at Geelong East Primary School.